We escort you – discrete and safe
VIP Service offers its in-house, S-class limousines and chauffeurs.
Apart from the transport of money and valuables, personal security is the most sensitive area of any security firm, as it requires the greatest degree of accountability.
Training / qualifications of F.B.I.S. bodyguards:
1. Demeanour / outward appearance
2. Fire-fighting and protection
3. Aptitude test / personal qualification
4. First aid
5. Driving safety training
6. Foreign language skills
7. Danger analysis / Information search and evaluation
8. Basic training with IHK certification
9. Criminology / criminal profiling, crime/felony, negative social irregularities
10. Physical training / endurance/stamina, performance limit, self defence
11. Psychology and communication
12. Law / basic legal evaluation
13. Firearms training
14. Protection concept
15. Security techniques and technologies
16. Tactics / theory and practise
17. Weapons proficiency
18. Gun license / mandatory legal permits